ColorDx CCT HD color vision diagnostics

ColorDx CCT HD is a new, high-precision, computer administered color vision diagnostic device developed under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) between the US Air Force OBVA Laboratory and Konan Medical USA.

ColorDx CCT HD is based on the cone contrast isolation strategy, with many significant advantages over the original CCT test.

  • A robust, adaptive thresholding method developed by Nicolaas Prins1 improves precision and reliability over previous non-standardized thresholding methods
  • Simplified test strategy using the Landolt C eliminates contextual bias from varied complexity of the Sloan character series
  • Randomized Monocular and Binocular testing
  • Fast screening option
  • “HD” High Definition testing extends low contrast threshold range with high granularity of determined contrast threshold
  • Proprietary color calibration method enhances the precision of measured thresholds
  • Konan 4 button control pad reduces variability in response times by eliminating the need to ‘hunt and peck’ on a QWERTY keyboard
  • Response methodology is neutral to language, culture, literacy and physical ability

A rotated Landolt C is used to assess L (Red), M (Green) and S (Blue) cone cell function. The 4 response options are simply UP, DOWN, LEFT OR RIGHT.

Detailed monocular results including USAF pass/fail criteria and response timings

PSI thresholding algorithm

Konan 4 button response pad

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ColorDx CCT HD color vision diagnostics
ColorDx CCT HD color vision diagnostics

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