HHOU 7040 Refraction Units


  • ​Compact Size for 1 Instrument (Auto-Keratomter) table with Counter Balanced(Manual / Classic) Phoropter Arm.
  • Manual Arm Unit for the Single Instrument or Appliance.
  • It is a compact product that enables effective ophthalmologic examination in a narrow space.
  • Optimized Size for a small space.
  • Compatible with any brand refraction.
  • Left Handed & Right Handed are both available.

Applicable Chairs

Left Handed & Right Handed are both available

Work Table can be Turned at 90 degree at max. When ARK at refraction table

It is easier to change the examination mode to Phoropter from Refraction or in reverse.

Control Panel & USB Port

Equipped with Touch Panel and USB port. Touch Panel makes it easier to control phoropter arm and chair at one seat and USB, Port supply DC Power to portable devices like smartphone or table without any additional appliances. (The blue bottons are only for auto-arm selection.)

Table Switch

Able to control functions of unit chair as central control system. (The blue buttons are only for auto-arm selection.)

Classic (Manual) Arm

You can shift this classic arm manually and fix it with lever.

Multi-choice of table orientation

According to your working style, you can choose clock-wise orientation (Right-type) table type or counter-clock wise orientation (Left-type) table type.

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HHOU 7040 Refraction Units
HHOU 7040 Refraction Units

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