HHOU 7036 Refraction Units


  • 1 Instrument (Auto Keratometer) table with Auto Phoropter Arm
  • The Broader Table offers the broad space for 1-instrument
  • Sliding Over-The-Top Table is the easiest way to move a heavy instrument like Kerato/Refractometer to position of treatment or recession in the small space.
  • Left Handed & Right Handed are both available

Applicable Chairs

Left Handed & Right Handed are both available

90 degrees turning table & Over-The-Top Table

The main working table can be turned at 90 degrees at Max. This rotation function is very useful to let patient in or out for treatment without any interruption to the doctor activity. And, Ove-The-Top table enables you to move a heawy Kerato/Refractometer on it very easily to treatment position or recession and stop it at the wanted position in the midway with locking brake in it.

Touch Control Pad & USB Port

With this touch pad, you can control the moves of chair and phoropter arm and LED Lighting On/Off. As well, built-in USB port enables you to recharge the portable devices you want without any additional appliance.

LED Lighting

We adopted eco-friendly LED Light to save you maintaining expenditure and to give a hand in preserving global enviroment.

Powered Phoropter Arm

The Power Phoropter Arm save your time and space whenever changing the arm position. Furthermore, the desired angle cab be changed easily by touching the position button.

Optional: UpkDown(stroke 200mm) function is available for the RT-138RT-15 only.

Built-in Drawer

This unit has a drawer the table to keep operating appliances in. This saves you the space and time.

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HHOU 7036 Refraction Units
HHOU 7036 Refraction Units

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