RetinaVue Network

Quick Overview:

Diabetic retinopathy screening made SIMPLE and AFFORDABLE for primary care. 

The RetinaVue™ Network is designed for healthcare providers who want to improve management of patients with diabetes. RetinaVue enables providers to easily perform retinal exams in a primary care setting using a simple four-step process: (1) acquire non-mydriatic fundus images in minutes with the simple, automated Welch Allyn RetinaVue™ 100 Imager, (2) transfer images via secure HIPAA-compliant RetinaVue Network, (3) images are evaluated by a board-certified retinal specialist, and (4) a diagnostic report and referral/screening plan is returned to the provider the same day—usually in 90 minutes. Simple, affordable and effective—now you can easily and accurately screen for diabetic retinopathy as part of a patient’s routine visit.


  • Double HEDIS/STARS compliance rates for diabetic retinal assessment in 12 months
  • Most top healthcare plans now reimburse for retinal screenings
  • Simple four-step process is effective and affordable
  • Same day diagnostic report—usually in 90 minutes
  • Like adding a retinal specialist to your team

Breakthrough technology makes diabetic retinopathy screening SIMPLE, ACCURATE and AFFORDABLEfor primary care.

See how the RetinaVue Network can help identify and reduce some of the leading causes of preventable blindness and vision-threatening conditions. 

Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness among working-age adults.

RetinaVue Network enables screening for diabetic retinopathy in primary care, using SIMPLE four-step process:

RetinaVue 100 Imager

User Technique Video Guide 

Learn how to properly operate your device

Patient compliance rates can double in twelve months

RetinaVue can double patient compliance rates for diabetic retinal assessment in just 12 months; helping to preserve vision in patients with diabetes while also meeting quality metrics and enhancing the practice's bottom line.

Single Primary Care Clinic Retinal Assessment Compliance Results using the RetinaVue Network

For healthcare payors and providers who want to improve quality metrics associated with the management of patients with diabetes

  • RetinaVue is a scalable diabetic retinopathy screening program made simple for primary care practices and health-plan screening programs.
  • Welch Allyn RetinaVue can double patient compliance rates in just 12 months, reduce screening costs and help preserve vision in patients with diabetes.

It is like adding a retinal specialist to your team.

“In addition to identifying, classifying and documenting all levels of diabetic retinopathy from very mild to vision threatening, we have also been able to diagnose a surprising assortment of important systemic diseases based on RetinaVue fundus images—including papilledema, hypertension, macular degeneration (AMD), cancer and stroke.”

Chief Medical Officer, RetinaVue P.C.


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RetinaVue Network

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