Suede Light Blue Lab Towel Cloth

Towel Size Cloths To Dry and Clean Lenses

Since labs deal with more lenses and more processing than optical stores, they look for towel size cloths to use to dry or clean lenses. We offer three lab sized towel cloths: Terry- a looped knit just like terry cloth clothing. Suede-thick flocked material that is very soft and absorbent, microfiber soft and silky fabric.


Large 12" x 16" size

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Suede Light Blue Lab Towel Cloth
Suede Light Blue Lab Towel Cloth

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Reunión virtual con el Dr. Julian Triviño (Colombia)

Reunión virtual con el Dr. Julian Triviño (Colombia)

5555 NW 74 AVE.
MIAMI. FL. 33166
P: 305-882-0120
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