ULC-900 provides the most reliable test result by the technology to be developed by UNICOS to all types of patients. All of user may have the best experience with ULC-900 by easy and convenient operation and program.
24 inch TFT monitor with high-resolution display for wider and clearer view. Various installation methods for securing enough space even in a limited area.
Keep charts clear between the range of 1.5M ~ 7.5M test distance by high performance polar filters. Heterophoria / Heterotropia / Stereopsis tests with polar seperation charts.
May control installation space from 1.5M up to 7.5M by 0.25m.
May use of Mirror functions at the small space.
It allows to test LASIK patients.
Landolt , Snellen, Child chart, Cross chart and more.
Masking mode with single character, horizontal line, vertical line and more.
Visual functions and special functions for all types of patients such as cataract, strabismus and the other.
Easy image addition in Slide mode from USB flash drive.
Back 0.05 ~ 2.00 charts by test distance up (Children 0.1~1.0) Horizontal, Vertical, Single character mask and Center indication Red / Green filters / Random charts.
A remote control for a prompt and convenient test. It is compatible with UNICOS’ Digital Refractor.
Preset seven type's charts / Random selection function.
ULC-900 offers all types of patients the most reliable test result with State-of-Art Technology specially developed by UNICOS All customers will have the best experience with ULC-900 by easy and convenient operation and program.
Clear charts in the range of 1.5m ~ 7.5m test distance by high performance polar filters Heterophoria/Heterotropia/Stereopsis tests with polar separation charts.
May control installation space from 1.5M up to 7.5M by 0.25m. May use of Mirror functions at the small place.
Program A, B / Correction / Insertion / Deletion