ri-standard Direct Illuminated Laryngoscopes

ri-standard Direct Illuminated Laryngoscopes

Riester’s Direct Illuminated Laryngoscopes design quick-to remove lamp at the front. The range of Miller and Macintosh blades provides effective illumination and visualization of the airway to aid with intubation and airway clearance. Our blades are compatible with the ISO7376 specification handles.

Features and Benefits

  • Quick-to-remove lamp at the front of the blade.
  • With reliable 2.7 V vacuum light source for excellent illumination of the examination area.
  • Choice of chargeable, conventional AA or type C battery handles for charging in the Riester ri-charger®, charging base station.
  • All blades are compatible with handles complying with ISO 7376.

ri-standard Direct Illuminated with blades No. 2, 3 and 4. and Battery handle type C
ri-modul Macintosh F.O. baby with blades No. 0, 1 and 2. and Battery handle type AA
ri-integral Miller F.O. with blades No. 2, 3 and 4. and Battery handle type C
ri-integral Miller F.O. baby with blades No. 0, 1 and 2. and Battery handle type AA
Laryngoscope handle


  1. He rounded edges of the Macintosh blade reduce the risk of injury.
  2. Children; Adults


  1. The flat design of the Miller blade provides good visibility of the epiglottis and vocal chords
  2. Blade size 00 for neonate
  3. Neonates; Children; Adults
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ri-standard Direct Illuminated Laryngoscopes
ri-standard Direct Illuminated Laryngoscopes

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