ri-modul Fibre Optic (F.O.) Laryngoscopes

ri-modul Fibre Optic (F.O.) Laryngoscopes

Riester’s fibre-optic Laryngoscopes offer a high quality light source which helps improve the visualization of the larynx during intubation. This coupled with the rechargeable battery packs built into the handle give the clinician the confidence to perform the intubation under a wide range of circumstances and patient types.

Features and benefits


  • Macintosh F.O. blade with removable light conductor, simple to remove and refit without tools.
  • Reasonably priced alternative thanks to modular construction.
  • High light intensity with XL + LED illumination and excellent light transmission through strong fiber bundles.
  • Optimum blade design for easy intubation and improved visibility.
  • Children; Adults


  • Miller F.O. blade with removable light conductor, simple to remove and refit without tools.
  • Economically priced alternative due to modular construction.
  • High light intensity with XL + LED illumination and excellent light transmission through strong fiber bundles.
  • Blade size 00 for neonates.
  • Neonates; Children; Adults

Light conductor for ri-modul Miller F.O. blades

  • Secure fitting and removal with ball mechanism.
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ri-modul Fibre Optic (F.O.) Laryngoscopes
ri-modul Fibre Optic (F.O.) Laryngoscopes

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