Woven Yarn Buff - 3-1/2" Diameter, 3/4" Thick

Produces an EXTRA HIGH Gloss on All Materials

This Woven Yarn Buffing Pad is a light touch for final polish. It produce an EXTRA HIGH gloss on lens edges, especially Polycarbonate, High-Index and CR-39. Strands of cotton yarn are woven into a solid plastic center. Woven Yarn Buffing Pads will not fray or burn lens edges. This is a 3-1/2" Diameter, 3/4" Thick, Woven Yarn Buffing Pad.

  • Light touch for final polish
  • Produces an EXTRA HIGH gloss on lens edges
  • Woven into a solid plastic center
  • Will not fray or burn lens edges

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Woven Yarn Buff - 3-1/2" Diameter, 3/4" Thick
Woven Yarn Buff - 3-1/2

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