SecurEdge Plus LSE Oblong 19 x 30mm (roll of 1,000)

Hydrophobic / Oleophobic AR-coated specific blocking pad

The brand new SecurEdge Plus LSE (LowSurface Energy) pad uses a "dual-adhesive" system: One side of the pad has a high-tech LSE adhesive that bonds to the AR coating, while the other side of the pad firmly grips the block. SecurEdge Plus LSE will significantly reduce or completely eliminate slippage while edging hydrophobic coated lenses.This specialized hydro/super-hydro blocking pad represents processing consumables finally catching up to modern coating technology. SecurEdge Plus LSE blocking pad are the very best solution for a single pad edge blocking process. They don't require backside cushion pads, the use of additional blocking pad, or any of the new film pad designed to use in conjunction with blocking pad.

Unit: Roll of 1,000 pads 

  • Brand new pad uses a patented "dual-adhesive" system.
  • Will significantly reduce or completely eliminate slippage while edging hydrophobic coated lenses.
  • No need for backside cushion pad, use of additional blocking pad, or film pad.

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SecurEdge Plus LSE Oblong 19 x 30mm (roll of 1,000)
SecurEdge Plus LSE Oblong 19 x 30mm (roll of 1,000)

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