1.The cperation procederes are Mghly lntelliqent and totally digital.
2. Cornpered to the hole pesition of the pattern lenses, it has higher proeess accuracy whese proeess deviat1on is less than 0~01smm in both X-axis and Y-a~is.
3. It has auto position clamping eqeipment which allows to, rernain the sarne process accuracy after the chanqe of clames,
4. The screen shows the drill position and ccordinates data, and giives guidanc:¡e to the operation,
5. Ths hols pos~tion memory function all!o:ws to procsss the set hola positions continuously,
6. Tbere're two rneasere modesto choese whid11 are original pattern rneasure mode and frame position meesere mode.
7. lt has mirroring mode in the process.
8. The head can automaticslly reposltlon lf lt's removed fmm lts posítion acddently.
9. The instrument drills automaticaHy in a set arder, and can be correctsd by pressing the number button if a1ny hole is missed by wrong operatíons.
1.Voltage: AC 100V-24,0V, DC 24V
2.Power: SOW
3.Drilling spsed: O~SOOORPM
4.Permissible variaii!:i,on of drill nenconcentricity; 0.03mm
S.Max. X-e,xis moviln,g r.ang,e: 155mm
6.Max. load o1fX-axis movernent 50kg
7.Max. Y-ax.is moving ranqe: 38mm
8.M ax. load of Y-axis movement: 30 ~g
9.Max. pickup of Clutch: 1.5kg
10.Resolution of E:nGoder resolutíon; <0J07mm
11.Di mension: 302*228*270mrr
12.Weig ht: 5kg